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Top tips for self-care

Lockdown has been hard on us all and we may have forgotten to just take a little time out for ourselves. We all need some time out and it’s more important to now more than ever. Here’s my five top tips to take some time out.

Take a walk

Spending time in nature is extremely beneficial to our well-being. Grab your bike, go for a jog or even just a stroll in nature are great ways to improve mental health as well as physical health!

Learn a new skill

Take up a new hobby or learn something new, it’s great for your mind to learn and great your mental health too! get creative with some art, learn a language or some diy are all great ways to spend some time improving well-being….and you might even get a new talent out of it!

Eat healthy

It’s really important to make sure you are eating well to help well-being. Heavily processed foods, fatty and sugary foods can all impact our health both physically and mentally. Make sure you’re eating plenty of frigid and vegetables and drinking enough water every day. Cooking and baking are also great ways to boost wellbeing!

Get enough sleep

Sleep is really important for our well-being. When we don’t get enough sleep we find it hard to concentrate, get frustrated easily and it can have big impacts on our mental health too. If you find it hard to drift off at night, try going screen free before bed. Reading a book of writing in a journal are ideas of alternatives to screens. The lights of screens can actually stop us getting good sleep and could be the reason you wake up groggy in the morning.

Keep organised

Stress can have major impacts on our well-being and mental health. Try making a list each morning of the small goals you want to accomplish in the day. You’ll feel accomplished seeing them ticked off throughout the day plus it will help you stay organised and prepared. You could even plan ahead the night before so when you wake up there’s less stress over what needs to be done!


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