Self-Care for your Mental Health
There are generally said to be five aspects to self care: physical, emotional, spiritual, professional and psychological. Each of these, if managed and acted upon regularly can help increase our mood when we are not feeling at our best.
Physical self-care
Self care can include many activities that give you that little needed boost. Things such as binge watching your favourite tv shows to pampering yourself or taking part in your favourite hobbies. Other things can involve regular exercise, eating healthily can also help boost your mood.
Emotional self-care
This involves being more aware of your emotions and being able to express them. This can include things like spending time with loved ones, or reading your favourite book. They also include letting yourself be sad when you feel sad instead of trying to hide it, making yourself laugh and finding things that make you laugh. Laughter has been found to boost moods, in some countries, laughter classes are even used as a type of therapy or meditation technique to increase mood.
Spiritual self-care
Spiritual doesn’t have to refer to religion, it can be used as getting in touch with your inner self. This could be through acts such as volunteering, spending time in nature or meditation. Anything that makes you feel more in touch with yourself as a person works. Even keeping a diary could help you feel more connected.
Psychological self-care
Knowing when you have enough things to do and being able to say no to extra responsibilities that could weigh down your mood. Things like self-reflection and engaging intelligence for example, visiting a museum can also help with psychological self care.
Professional self-care
This is self-care in the workplace, such as spending time with co workers, balancing your workload, including not taking on extra work if you feel you can’t handle it! Also if working in an office or if you have your own workspace, decorating or having personal possessions there that make you happy can help.
Finally, if you feel like you aren’t coping seek advice from someone you trust or a health professional, after all everyone needs to take care of their mental health just as much as we do our physical health.
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