Quiz update
You may have seen the last post showing an Are you OCD quiz (http://gotoquiz.com/ZtCt0).
This quiz was created to highlight the issues surrounding stigma and misunderstandings of OCD. OCD is often brushed off as a personality quirk, as the quiz attempted to highlight. Being a person who likes things clean or ordering clothes is seen as ‘OCD behaviour’, but in reality the condition is a lot more serious.
If you’d like to learn more about what OCD is and not how it is portrayed then I thoroughly recommend reading up on the following sites:
#educationalsupportneeds #Psychopathology #behaviour #OCDquiz #humanbehaviour #science #lgbt #developmentalpsychology #clinicalpsychology #thepsychedlife #OCD #learningdisability #review #blog #PSYCHOLOGY #psych #mentalhealth #mentalhealthdisorders #psychologists #blogger #inclusion #brain #university #head #psychologystudent #opinion #mentalhealthpsychology #psychiatry #educationpsychology