Mark Neville – Battle Against Stigma Exhibition
Yesterday I visited the much anticipated exhibition by Mark Neville. The exhibition aims to show the effects of PTSD in combat stricken countries through the medium of photography. The artist worked in these countries as a war artist and consequently developed adjustment disorder and PTSD. Adjustment disorder for anyone unfamiliar, is a group of symptoms, such as stress, feeling sad or hopeless and physical symptoms that can occur after you go through a stressful life event. PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events. Someone with PTSD often relives the traumatic event through nightmares and flashbacks and may experience feelings of isolation,irritability and guilt.
Having experience and passion in photography and currently finishing up my degree of psychology I was excited to visit this exhibition and see what it had to offer.
I wasn’t disappointed, the images are thought provoking and many very successfully convey PTSD through the people and settings captured in very traumatic times. Including images of a psychological rehabilitation camp in Ukraine, which were of particular interest to me.
The exhibition also featured short films shot in the countries Neville visited and conveyed emotion and trauma and specially through the silent films, allowing the viewers imagination to think about the sounds and conversations people may have been having at some shocking and traumatic times.
The exhibition runs until the 24th June at the QUAD, for more information and opening times of the exhibition visit:
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